SRLC is an initiative of Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur to offer service and bring joy to the lives of the underserved sections of society. Inspired by Shrimad Rajchandraji and guided by Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshji, SRLC’s holistic, multi-pronged community support and development programmes are powered by genuine empathy, love and care of highly motivated volunteers. SRLC constantly endeavours to deliver high quality, charitable and sustainable initiatives for the welfare of mankind, animals and the environment.
Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care enjoys Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council since 2020.
Bhagwan Mahavira

Bhagwan Mahavira, the 24th Tirthankar, epitomised the highest form of virtue and human perfection. His life is a perennial source of light and inspiration to all. In this day and age, where fear, suspicion and distrust are vitiating the atmosphere of international peace and brotherhood, Bhagwan Mahavira’s teachings are like an oasis in the desert. They are a perfect blend of philosophy and practicality, an ethical system par excellence.
Shrimad Rajchandraji (1867 - 1901)

Shrimad Rajchandraji is highly respected for His great spiritual state, extraordinary personality, remarkable exposition of Bhagwan Mahavira's teachings and literary genius. He is spirituality incarnate and auspiciousness personified. His life is the epitome of an incessant and intense pursuit of religion.
In the short span of 33 years, He not only soared high in the spiritual skies but was also instrumental in directing many others to the path of enlightenment. His preaching has been compiled and published in an invaluable volume entitled 'Shrimad Rajchandra' which, even today, continues to quench the thirst of true seekers.
Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshbhai

Propounding the path of Bhagwan Mahavira, an ardent devotee of Shrimad Rajchandraji, Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshbhai is a spiritual visionary and a modern-day mystic. He is the Founder of Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur. He is illuminating numerous lives by visiting various countries where seekers imbibe His teachings and elevate themselves. With a vision of universal upliftment, Pujya Gurudevshri has inspired the ten-fold Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care Programme to bring joy and offer seva to all living beings.
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